Install Windows 11 to a non-TPM system

Install Windows 11 using E2B and agFM onto any system

 E2B and agFM can automatically run the registry hack to skip the Windows 11 TPM\RAM\SecureBoot checks.

The easiest thing to do is to simply pick the ‘Windows 11 (skip TPM and other checks).XML‘ file when prompted (Legacy E2B or Legacy\UEFI64 agFM menus).

Alternatively, you can create a patch file which will run whenever the ISO file is selected and it will work with an XML file, as follows:

1. First update to agFM v1.73 or later version (just over-write files on Partition 2 with the latest download) and also update to latest E2B v2.10 or later which has the WIN11 folder support (run Make_E2B.exe as Admin and click on the Update E2B button).  Download areas for latest E2B Betas

2. Copy your Win11 ISO to the \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN11 folder.

Download Windows 11 creation tool from here – ‘Create Windows 11 Installation Media’. Run the exe and choose the ISO creation option.

[or download Win 11 ISO from here. Select ‘Latest Dev Channel’ – Cumulative Update for Windows 11 (10.0.22000.51) (untick ‘Integrate updates’ option for faster build and download). The fewer Editions you tick the quicker the build – I ticked Home\Core + Pro. The download and build of the ISO may take a few hours or more!]Note: If you only tick one Edition, the Install.wim that is made is non-standard and does not contain an XML file. I suggest you include at least two Editions.]

3. Create a .cmd text file which has the exactly the same name as the Win11 ISO file and place the following three lines of code in the .cmd file:

reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassTPMCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d 1
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassRAMCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d 1
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassSecureBootCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d 1

In Easy2Boot v2.10+ you can find these settings in \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN11\WIN11_TPM_FIX_README.txt.

Other bypass checks you can add are:

Tip: If you suspect this cmd file is not being run, add an extra line at the bottom which will wait for you to press ENTER:


4. Copy the \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN10\Windows 10 Pro (no prompt to repair).xml file to \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN11 folder (your ISO must include Win11 Pro Edition – if not use a different XML file – e.g. Win10 Home, etc.)
You should now have the following files:

  • \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN11\Windows11Pro_Trial.iso
  • \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN11\Windows11Pro_Trial.cmd
  • \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN11\Windows 10 Pro (no prompt to repair).xml

Now you can either MBR to E2B or MBR\UEFI-boot to agFM and install Win11 Pro on any old system (but it may run slow)!
Either use the desired Win10 xml file or no XML file (when prompted to Repair\Setup by E2B, press ENTER quickly to skip using an XML file – on a shop-bought Windows PC this will automatically detect the original manufacturers OEM Product Key and only list that particular Edition in the OS list).
If your ISO contains more than one Edition, you can use the ‘No key (choose a version to install.xml)’ file, however if your PC/Notebook has an embedded OEM Product Key (e.g. was pre-installed with Win8 Home by the manufacturer) this may not work if your Win11 ISO does not also contain the same Edition, e.g. Home, and so you must specify the correct Edition Win10 key in the XML file, i.e. if no key is specified then Setup will use the BIOS-embedded Product Key added at time of manufacture.
Additional Win11 ISO files can be added, but don’t forget to also create a .cmd file with the same name as the ISO file!

How to create a Local Account

Win 11 Pro will let you create a local account (if you choose the correct options), however Win11 Home does not let you continue unless you have an internet connection and then it only allows a Microsoft internet/email account to be created.

The easiest way is to enter an online account name of (which is locked and blocked by MS) and then any password, this will fail and you will then be asked to create a local account. You can instead try or any other invalid email address.

One way to bypass this is to press Alt+F4 at the ‘Let’s connect to a Network’ screen.

Another way around this is only use an Ethernet cable for internet connectivity and then to disconnect your Ethernet cable just as the ‘Checking for Updates’ screen begins. After a few minutes, it will ask you for the Local Account name and you can continue.
1. Disconnect the Ethernet cable
2. Start the install of Win11 Home
3. When prompted to connect to WiFi, try pressing Alt+F4,  OR if that doesn’t work:
    Connect the Ethernet cable
    Continue using the Ethernet internet connection only.
    As soon as the ‘Checking for Updates’ screen appears, disconnect the Ethernet cable immediately.
    After a few minutes…
4. You will be prompted for a local account user name

If you still cannot get a local account option, try the back arrow\button (with no internet connected) and then proceed again.

Later versions of Win11 Home may prevent you from using these methods, in that case you can use an unattend.xml file to create a user account automatically for you. See the \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN11 folder on the E2B USB drive for examples. You can copy and modify them to use your desired user name and password, and use a generic Home or Pro key, to force Setup to install the Edition you want.

You can also try the oobe\bypassnro command using SHIFT+F10 to get to the console first – see

5 thoughts on “Install Windows 11 to a non-TPM system”

  1. Hey Steve,

    Q1: Can you elaborate more on the AGFM method for this? Which AGFM option should be used to boot the Windows 11 install ISO? Started fresh with a new E2B v2.10, and none of the AGFM options allow Windows 11 to install correctly.

    Note: Legacy/CSM E2B (E2B v1.x and 2.x) boots the install fine but windows setup complains about NOT being able to install to a GPT partition. (ie “Selected disk is GPT style”)

    Q2: This new AGFM method is confusing, as I’ve only been using E2B in legacy mode. I thought E2B had an EUFI mode?

  2. If you MBR-boot to E2B menu and Windows Install ISO then it requires MBR\Legacy partitions.
    If you UEFI-boot to agFM and Windows Install ISO then Windows Setup requires GPT partitions.
    So if you want to install Windows to an existing GPT partition you must UEFI-boot to the USB stick which will then load agFM menu system and then you can run Windows Install ISO and install to the existing GPT partitions.
    To boot in UEFI-mode – switch on system, press F8 or F12 or whatever the boot menu key is for your BIOS and choose the EFI – USB option for your USB drive.
    Note that the E2B disk must contain 2 partitions and the 2nd FAT32 partition must contain the agFM boot files.

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