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Puppy Linux
Puppy ISOs can be booted using a .iso file extension, but some versions require a special kernel parameter when booting from a USB drive because the boot menu assumes it is booting from a CD\DVD.
Most Puppy versions allow you to create a ‘Save File’ when you exit from Linux. You can thus save the OS settings onto a file on the E2B USB drive.
If you have problems booting from the ISO, try using an alternative file extension:
.isoPUP – use for Puppy linux and other similar linux ISOs
.isomacpup – use for Macpup ISOs (modifies the ISO to remove (cd) in menu.lst)
Tip: FatDog supports persistence – it will offer you the option of making a persistence file when you shutdown and will automatically load the persistence file when you boot from the LiveCD ISO.

BugFix note: A bug had crept into grub4dos which prevented .isopup files from booting, please use E2B v2.09c or later. Once a save file has been created (e.g. Ptn1: \slacko64save.3fs), Puppy will automatically find and load the file on boot (and save on exit). supports Puppy Linux by using a .cfg file. Ventoy also supports LiveCD ISOs and persistence (see plugins pages at
How to install Puppy to an HDD using Easy2Boot
You can boot directly from the ISO to a ‘LiveCD’ version of Puppy and get to the Desktop.
But if you then try to install Puppy to a hard disk, you may get an error because it cannot find the Puppy ‘CDROM’ source files.
First, if you have a CD drive, ensure it is empty.
Then use these commands in a terminal shell session before you start the Install process:

mkdir /cdrom mount /dev/sdX4 /cdrom
where X is the letter for your E2B USB drive (in my case it was ‘sda’ because I was using VBOX+VMUB).
The first command will probably fail if you have a CD-ROM drive fitted (make sure it’s empty), but you can ignore the error.
The second command should cause the USB partition, which contains the ISO file, to be mounted as a read-only device.
This mounts the ISO as the CD-ROM so it can be found by the installer.
Press ESC or quit the terminal session.
After installation, do not create a Save file and do not copy the .sfs file from CD-ROM when requested on shutdown.
Once you have booted to Puppy on the hard disk, you can create a save file on the hard disk.