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MEMTEST.IMG.gz not seen in menu

If I make a new USB key accepting any defaults and doing nothing else, MEMTEST.IMG.gz gets put in the UTILITIES_MEMTEST directory, but doesn't show up in any of the menus.  The docs say compression is automatically detected, so I removed the .gz extension.  That makes the option visible from the a1ive menu in a legacy boot.  When selected, I get a menu to pick the boot mode; floppy or iso both work.  (For a UEFI boot, the UTILITIES_MEMTEST directory isn't shown in the menu, but you can navigate to it.  It's not surprising that it won't boot this image.  And not important because there's a UEFI64 memory test option at the top level that does work.)

Is there a renaming that would let me skip the boot mode selection?


To run MEMTEST.IMG.gz  you first select the UTILITIES menu and then the MEMORY TEST Menu entry  in the Easy2Boot menu system. It is the first menu entry which appears as 'Memtest86+'.

You can move the MEMTEST.IMG.gz file to any other standard E2B menu folder (and optionally the accompanying MEMTEST.IMG.txt file).

Under agFM, there is no way to make it run without showing the secondary menu unless you create a .cfg file but that would just run grub4dos anyway because agFM uses grub4dos (not grub2) for floppy disk img files.


You can use a .cfg file for agFM like this


set "grubfm_file=(${grubfm_device})${grubfm_path}"
configfile (memdisk)/boot/grubfm/rules/img/



Thanks.  I'm so used to the agFM menu that I expected UTILITIES_MEMTEST to appear in the top level of either menu system.  The cfg file works with the file name retaining the .gz extension.


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