Modify LOADISO.cmd
When you install Vista/7/8/10 Operating Systems from an ISO, E2B will run LOADISO.CMD. This has the task of loading the ISO file as a virtual drive so that Windows Setup can access the files within the ISO.
Note that the text below is an example of how to modify the LOADISO file.
E2B already contains a LOADISONP.cmd file which does not prompt the user to repair the drive.
The LOADISO.CMD Blue Console window will always appear and you may also see a user prompt:
Do you want to try to Repair or Recover Windows (Y/N)? :
If you want to change the action of LOADISO.CMD (e.g. remove this message), here is how to do it:
1. Make a copy of \_ISO\e2b\firadisk\LOADISO.CMD in the same directory – e.g. \_ISO\e2b\firadisk\LOADISOX.CMD
2. Edit LOADISOX.CMD as required – e.g. to remove the Repair/Recover prompt, delete the red lines shown below:
(leave the lines above here) echo. echo. echo ********** REPAIR WINDOWS? ************ echo. echo Y = Repair, Recover or run MSDart (if on DVD) echo N = Install Windows echo. set /P ASK="Do you want to try to Repair or Recover Windows (Y/N)? : if /I not "%ASK%"=="Y" exit (leave more lines below here)
3. Find the appropriate E2B default XML file:
Vista\7\SVR2K8 = \_ISO\e2b\firadisk\au.xml
Win8\SVR2012\8.1\10 = \_ISO\e2b\firadisk\auWin8.xml
Copy the .XML file to the same folder as your Windows ISO file (e.g. copy auWin8.xml to \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN8) and rename the new XML file.
Change all 4 occurrences of LOADISO.CMD to your new filename – e.g. LOADISOX.CMD.
The XML file now will use your new LOADISOX.cmd file.
Note that the special Product Key TK8TP-9JN6P-7X7WW-RFFTV-B7QPF will be automatically replaced by whatever Product Key you choose when you select one when prompted by E2B. If you change the Product Key in the .xml file, then E2B cannot replace it (it only replaces a TK8TP key).
Now when you install Windows, choose the new xml file. If Win8/SVR2012/Win10 is selected, you will also need to choose a Product Key.
You can remove any .xml file from the \_ISO\WINDOWS\xxxx folders that you don’t use (or change the file extension so that they are ignored).